Family Support Services (FSS) first became a lead agency in 2001 for Duval and Nassau counties. In January 2022 we were named the lead agency for Pasco and Pinellas counties in an effort to share our service model of minimizing the number of children removed from their homes and entering the child welfare system. FSS, through multiple innovative programs, works every day to bolster families who are struggling. We do everything possible to keep a child at home, but when foster care is necessary, we help ensure that it’s a temporary solution, eventually leading back to family reunification when it’s in the best interest of the child.
FSS services include family preservation, foster care, adoption, and extended foster care in Duval and Nassau counties in North Florida.
Some teens in care may turn 18 before being reunified with their parents or adopted. To help them prepare for the future, we teach independent living and life skills that enable them to become self-sufficient.
When families struggle, whether financially, physically or emotionally, it’s important that they be connected to services and supports in our community without feeling stigmatized. We understand and have a community of partners who are ready to help.
Family preservation is a community effort to provide short-term services when a family is faced with challenge and crisis. We offer and oversee services that help families get back on track. Families referred by the Florida Department of Children and Families receive assistance through a series of programs and case management that helps keep children at home and avoid foster care.
Who do I contact if my family needs help or if I know of a family who needs help?
Please contact the Florida Department of Children and Families at 904-723-2000 or apply for assistance.
Does it cost money to get help?
No, the Department of Children and Families Economic Self Sufficiency Program has several aspects to provide assistance to families in Florida, including Food Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance, Medicaid and Refugee Assistance. Each program has eligibility requirements, but you may apply for any (or all) of the programs at one time using the same application.
Are there other programs or services that can help my family?
Yes, please see our resources, here.
What is a safety plan?
A safety plan is an agreement between parent(s) and child welfare providers to ensure the ongoing safety of the child(ren). These plans usually initiate with the Florida Department of Children and Families and continue through the life of the services case. Plans are created with parent, friends and family involvement to make sure everyone understands the situation and expectations.
What is the difference between family preservation services and judicial services?
Family preservation services are non-judicial services recommended by the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) for a family in crisis. These services give parents an opportunity to resolve issues with the child at home while receiving services to support and strengthen the family. When DCF is unable to protect a child from risk or harm, judicial services intervene to place the children in a safe environment, which could be with family or foster parents, while the parent completes a case plan. The progress the parent makes on the case plan is monitored by the courts.
Children and teens who are in foster care live right here in our community. They come into our care because of a negative family situation, trauma, abuse or neglect. While we work with parents to resolve issues and help them overcome crisis, with a goal of reunification, the children need a safe, stable and caring place to live.
Children and teens who can no longer live with their biological families need stability, security, love and support from a forever family. If you have room in your life, consider adoption out of foster care to help them succeed in life. Becoming an adoptive parent to a child or teen out of foster care means changing the direction of a life forever.