Hi, I’m Kiersten Andrews. I was adopted from China in 2002 when I was 18 months old by a single mom who also adopted another baby girl from China a few years prior. It’s amazing to see God’s hand on my family as he brought my mom, my older sister, and me all together despite there being no blood relations between any of us. This shows that it is love that makes a family and binds the members together. I am so grateful for adoption and would love to adopt in the future as well.

Finding my passion

Social work was not my first choice. I actually wanted to be an occupational therapist at first but realized I was more passionate about children and families. While reflecting on my own adoption and the family that God has blessed me with, I realized that there are many ways that families are created, and that I wanted to be a part of the strengthening and building of them

Compassion + Action in work

I have been with Family Support Services for about nine months, the same amount of time I have been a social worker. Currently, I am working with a mother who is trying to move into her own apartment and become the fulltime caretaker of her children who were previously living with relatives.

This mother has been struggling against various obstacles and works full time to make ends meet. We have connected her to resources for counseling, beds for the kids, clothing and various other resources. On a home visit after she had a particularly hard day, I was able to pray with her and encourage her to not give up or lose hope despite the setbacks she was encountering. Being there for the families and encouraging them is the best and most fulfilling part of my job. 

Social work to help others

One thing I wish people knew about social work is that you do not need a degree or credential to be a social worker but just a willingness to help others. If you work with people in a helping capacity, then you are a social worker..

March is National Social Work Month. The theme this year is “Compassion + Action.” Compassion is one of FSS’ core values. Click here to learn more about the FSS mission and how our core values, P.E.A.C.E., drives our culture.

Click here to see how you can be part of #TeamFSS.