The FSS Training Department In-Service Training Schedule
July 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Semii-annual in-service training calendar covering trainings from July 1, 2020 and continuing through December 31, 2020. These in-service trainings are being offered to afford staff every opportunity to participate in trainings that will enhance their knowledge and build skills to work effectively with children and their families.
These trainings will be counted as CEUs towards your 20 hours of training per year required by the Florida Certification Board for your recertification. In addition, staff is encouraged to go on-line to the Florida Center for Advanced Child Welfare Practice ( and take full advantage of the great variety of trainings offered. You can also visit our Training Library at under the Training tab.
The trainings listed here are subject to change based on participation and additional trainings may be added. As always we encourage you to let us know of trainings that you feel would be beneficial to you and your staff. Separate announcements regarding these trainings will be sent out as reminders.
** This calendar is subject to change**
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