People may be surprised to learn some employees who work at Family Support Services have either joined FSS because of their experience fostering children or started a fostering journey while working in social services. For China, it was not only both, but also the experience of being a child in foster care herself.
China Hall, Community Engagement Specialist with FSS Pasco and Pinellas counties, has been a child in foster care, volunteered in domestic violence shelters, been a Foster Licensing Specialist, fostered 14 children and occasionally provided respite for other children, and eventually adopting one.
A child in foster care
Many times, before she began fostering children, China felt an invisible nudge, whispering “It’s time to foster.” She says, “But it didn’t make sense at the time.” She believes it was her own life experiences during childhood that planted the seed.
China’s childhood had challenges. An addicted Mom, who disappeared for days. The loss of a brother. Frequent moves. A violent father. Her mother’s alcohol and drug addiction led to China’s time in foster care.
It wasn’t the most positive experience at the beginning. After living in foster care, or staying with friends, her foster parent signed her up to attend a Magnet School, a year-round program when she was 14. “If it wasn’t for the Magnet School, I would not have made it through.” China graduated at age 16 and became independent. “If I had been placed with my cousins instead of foster care, I wouldn’t be here today.”
Domestic Violence Shelter work
“I was always drawn to stories I heard about people helping and volunteering with kids in foster care.” In her early twenties, she volunteered at a couple of domestic violence shelters. The idea of fostering started to blossom.
She also became a Big Sister and was matched with her Little Sister, Megan, who was having trouble with boys. China and Megan took a tour of Alpha House, a place for pregnant mothers in need of assistance. She asked to sign up to volunteer. Instead, they asked her to work there. She enjoyed overnight work, caring for babies so the mothers could get some rest. Doing this work, affirmed in her the interest in one day becoming a foster parent.
Foster Parents
While China knew she could foster, both her and her husband John had job transitions and also needed a larger house – they already had three of their own. Both these needs were met and when the new opportunity arose for John, he came home and said to China, “Have you called the foster lady yet? I want to do this, now I’m ready!” This took China by surprise but she was thrilled.
A rushing sense of urgency enveloped them and within three months after required classes, they had their first set of siblings to foster. “We didn’t know what we were doing!” Yet the fostering journey was now in bloom.
They faced practical and logistical issues; making sure they had a big enough van for all the children, enough furniture, juggling children’s schedules and school activities. After a time, the family had a routine.
They fostered children who were dealing with past trauma and negative experiences with family. Stories of struggles, pain and heartache. China knows, “People do horrible things, but there’s something redeemable in everybody and everybody has a story of why they do what they do. And sometimes it’s just not knowing what to do or how to do something, and no one around to advise.”
Many of the children they fostered were short term, or respite care. China believes the shorter-term stays were “…because we worked closely with the families and advocated for the children so they could be reunified.” Their fourth placement, a boy, Xai, stayed forever through adoption.
During her years of fostering children, China also worked as a Foster Licensing Specialist, furthering her work with children and families.
As she reflects on her fostering journey, she thinks about the positive experiences, learned experiences and shares her advice. “The most positive experience I had was working with the birth families to help them reunify with their children. It really mattered a lot to me to step in and be something different for those families and encourage them.”
When asked for the best advice to give to future foster families, she shares several points. “Do your research on trauma. Talk to experts. Advocate for the child’s needs in the school. Stay connected to other foster families. Services are available, seek them out and use them.” And most importantly, “Have a relationship with their birth parents.”
A valuable piece of advice from China, is to “Make sure children in foster care know that they are loved by both their birth family and foster family.” Show them in words and in actions, “You’re not joining us, we’re joining you.”
The most fulfilling part of fostering for her, she says, “I think for me is seeing families change, and being changed. It’s the one thing I wanted for my Mom, but she never really got that.”
Her Mom may never have had the chance for these changes. Instead, through foster care there are moms and families in the community China and her family helped. Because of her advocating for these families, a new story has begun for them.
Our agency and community are enriched by the dedication and passion China demonstrates and grateful for her and other foster parents who change the trajectory of at-risk children and families, creating stronger communities.
“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” – Ernest Hemingway
If you are interested in fostering, connect with